Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Hallmark-profits-boosting Day to you!

So today's the Day O'Lurve™ where smug-marrieds, courting couples and other assorted types express their love and affection/slightly disturbing notions that you will get married even though she doesn't know who you are. Thanks to an extensive Government grant I have conducted a study on the subject and have discovered that there is a direct ratio between how much one adores their beloved and the amount spent on the gift/gesture on Day O'Lurve™. I have constructed a series of graphs but ladies, but Blogger wouldn't let me put even one up, which is dissapointing. Because it was piss-funny.

Anywho, Pom and I are out to dinner tonight for some Thai, which I am muchly looking forward to, seeing as though I'm sick of cooking and I like being taken out to dinner, but also because I love love love Thai food and can't wait to eat my bodyweight in Pad Tai noodles only to be hungry again 12 minutes later. I think we're also going to the movies which we haven't done since the early days, so that will be nice too.

Actually, to be honest I think Valentine's Day is a crock of utter bullshit and is basically a get out of jail free card for those who neglect their partner on the other 364 days of the year. But still, flowers make you feel special - especially when they're delivered to your work and everyone looks and is envious and you get to put them in a milk bottle on your desk for the rest of the day and silently gloat.

Sigh. I wish.*

*Pom, if you're reading this, no, not really. Sending flowers don't maketh the man. Really.

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