Monday, July 31, 2006

4 Sleeps to go...

I feel a tad juvenile counting down to things using integers of 'sleeps', but I have done so since I can remember. Upon further contemplation, if I were to say, indulge in a short nanna-nap in the afternoon, and in addition to my normal nightly rest, this would not reduce the amount of time between now and the impending exciting event even though the amount of 'sleeps' had would be increased, and therefore technically reduce the amount of sleeps remaining. But it's best not to think about these things too much, as I confuse myself quite easily.

There are four sleeps to go until Pom and I welcome the newest member of our family to our warm and inviting/pretty cold but filled with love home.

I am not pregnant and just haven't told anyone until now. Although, after an evening downing sipping champagne and/or a big pasta meal, my belly could be said to be telling otherwise.

I am going to give some terribly cryptic clues which have taken me forever to think up, and then between now and four sleeps away you can guess who our new housemate will be (Jen, you only get three sleeps to guess because by the time you have four sleeps, the countdown will be over. Plus, you're in Ireland and I'm jealous and thus have very little sympathy when it comes to your time difference issues).

She is fluffy.

(Hint: Not a cloud)

She has a motor which sounds like a winning souped -up V8 at Springnats.

(Hint: Not actually a car)

She was (and sort of still is until Friday) on 'death row'

(Hint: Not a serial killer. Except hopefully of mice)

Pom is very possibly allergic to her.

(Hint: Not pollen)

Okay, I'm shit at being cryptic.

But still - Eeeeeeek!

So this is the new top-secret blog location of The World According To Me, new and improved with even more rambling! Decided that I enjoy blogging too much to let a couple of little niggles get to me.

Welcome, etc.

Monday, July 24, 2006

It's been fun

Apologies to those I've apparently offended or upset.

When you lose ownership of your own writing, that's the time to stop.


Friday, July 21, 2006

Gratuitous Lucy Photo #728

Glasses make her look so clever.

Way out West.....

Our trip away was wonderful in so many respects. Wonderful to get away for a while, wonderful to reconnect with some of the 'other' side of my family whom I've not seen for more than 7 years, wonderful for the spirit (how Oprah).

Beaches = Wonderful too.

In as succinct a manner as possible, the highlights;
  1. Our hotel on Friday night. It was most definitely the flashest* place I've stayed in. It was massive. And they had a real piano-man playing in the vast lobby. And the concierge was great too. And there were complimentary snacks in the bar. Sweet.
  2. My meal on Friday night. Altantic Salmon served on a bed of sweet potato gnocchi, with those crispy onion things as a garnish. Yum times a million.
  3. Seeing my Gran again for the first time in so long. We were meant to only spend Saturday night at her home and then go back up to Perth again on Sunday. We stayed til Monday afternoon because I didn't want to go. I got her pissed on red wine on Saturday night, which was hilarious and lovely.
  4. Realising why I am they way I am (to an extent), in relation to my Aunt, who, for example when calling her cats in for dinner yells "Come inside, you wankers". Pom says he doesn't feel so hurt when I call him names for no reason as he realises these really are terms of affection and I must simply be a diamond in the rough.**
  5. Meeting two little cousins who weren't even born last time I was in the state. They are real little boys, demonstrated when I gave the littlest one a cuddle goodbye when we were leaving, he then stormed off with his chin tucked down, brushing his arms off to get the girl germs away. Too cute!

Pom and I visited some beaches, I sat on the sand soaking up the sunshine whilst he entertained the locals by splashing around in the water in the middle of winter.

I just felt as though I was home. Being with my family felt like I'd last seen them the week before, not the better part of a decade earlier. And that real feeling of a family connection is something that I hadn't realised I'd missed so much.

But we're home again now, to ice-laden windscreens and frosty lawns and seeing our own breath as we lay in bed of a night.


At least we'll have the photo's to keep us warm!

*see how bogan I really am? 'Flashest'? Honestly. Also, getting excited about a concierge probably isn't cool either.

**I'm pretty sure he knows when I am angry, and my face goes all red and steam comes out of my ears that these are not terms of affection.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm like a six-year old on Christmas Eve right now...

One more sleep and then we're leeeeaaaavvvvinnnng, on a jet plane….only we know we'll be back on Monday.

So, in preparation I have purchased this dress which is going to look shit-hot with stockings, boots and beads.

I have had my eyebrows waxed.

Tonight my hairdresser is going to work his magic and tame my afro into silky, swinging tresses in the way only a bloke wielding two hairdryers simultaneously and bulging biceps can. AND I'm getting a much-needed colour to cover up the But-You're-Only-25-Why-Do-You-Have-Them-Already greys. Yay!

We have booked in here for Friday night, whereby I plan to spend a lot of time swanning around in the complimentary robe and slippers, possibly smoking cigars and sipping gin.

Lucy is going on a 'holiday' of her own, to the kennels. For the first time ever. I'm a bit nervous for her. I hope she doesn't spend all her time being a sook and instead learns to be normal and makes some friends etc. There was a question on the registration form asking if your dog is a 'escaper/jumper' and I wondered if I could answer in bold and capitals.

I have mentally drawn up a time budget for tomorrow morning.

I have not made a list of things to do/pack yet, but I know I will. I have a spare three hours at the hairdresser tonight so no doubt I shall do that then. Or maybe I should start now;
  1. Find Lucy's vaccination papers so I can prove to the crazy lady at the Kennels that she's not a distemper/pavovirus spreading hussy.
  2. Charge digital camera battery.
  3. Decide which pairs of shoes to take.
  4. Fill car with petrol for drive to Melbourne.
  5. Remember to take spare AAA for MP3 player.
  6. Swipe as much space from Pom's bag as possible when mine is filled up with hair products I won't use.

Shit, that's all I can think of at the moment. I just know I'll forget something. Just hope it's not my pants or something equally important.



Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Plans for the weekend....a visual spectacular*

This weekend




are getting on one of these;

and going.....


I am SO excited.

I haven't been home for 7 and a half years.


*Not to scale. Also, I don't own a pair of such sexy purple high-heeled shoes, and I'm almost certain Pom doesn't own an orange hat.

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