Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sump'n for the freaks

Since installing the stats tracker thingo on this blog, it has become of great interest to me exactly how visitors come upon the site. There hasn't been anything overly exciting as yet, so I've decided to try and bump up the numbers (and the weirdo's), by posting the following phrases, and seeing if anyone comes upon (for want of a better phrase) my blog as a result of searching these terms. Just for my own self-indulgent and slightly bizarre enjoyment;

I'll let you know how it goes.

I'm trying to guess which will be the more popular search, I will stump for the 'amputee sex'...

PS. Apologies for the awful pun...
I'm actually secretly hoping for a combination - "Big boobs burn when peeing" or "Chicks who want itchy rash bad"
People/freaks have ended up at my own blog by doing searches for baboons bottoms, Anasol, pom pomgirl and sex, and prominent veins - though never a combination of them all.
Prominent veins? I am impressed. Very very impressed.
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