Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I forgot to say, Li-Li lives on. It's been 11 days and counting. Fingers crossed.


If you are ever bored and are in dire need of a new form of entertainment, simply tie the bell from the Lindt bunny you got for Easter to your dog's collar.

It's HILARIOUS. Trust me.

I ate my Lindt bell...
Jobe, when will you ever learn?
i'm surprised jobe didn't try to incorporate it into some bizarre sex act. don't deny it jobe. i've read your dirty blog.
You probably did things to yourself while reading it. Don't deny it.
i've got a lindt bunny bell too. but i wouldn't to the gigi. she would go mental and to laugh would be cruel. i'm not cruel.

but i did laugh at jobe eating his.

is that cruel?

[goes to check out jobe's dirty blog]
Lucy sort of took it in her stride, bless her. If it annoyed her she didn't let on, but she did lap up the extra guilty-cuddles we gave her as a result!
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