Saturday, April 29, 2006

My illusions are shattered

So I'm in the comfort of my own loungeroom as I post this, watching Rage and looking out at the grey, grey sky. The new Something for Kate clip was just played and fuck me dead if Paul Dempsey doesn't look like he's got some form of new-found drug addiction. His hair is greasy and longer than I've ever seen, he was wearing a relatively low-cut v-neck shirt which wouldn't have looked out of place on a chick. His arms were horridly skinny - moreso than usual. I'm wavering between being bemused and upset. Bottom line is I don't think I can marry him now. Unless he cuts his hair and puts on a bit more beef. I like the song though.

Good news, however - I just took a banana and walnut loaf out of the oven and it smells DIVINE.

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