Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Group Hug

Whenever I'm feeling a little bit sad and at a loss, I sometimes like to go to this site. It's filled with people expunging their darkest, dirtiest secrets in complete anonymity. Then I think to myself "At least I don't shag my best mates' boyfriend on the sly/fantasise about my uncle's neighbour/steal from my grandmother/hate French people for no good reason".

However I've just had the thought that maybe me feeling better about myself by reading other people's depraved secrets actually just makes me the same as them. Perhaps being judgemental towards them brings me down to their level, like I'm one step removed from actually posting on the site and saying "Knowing that there are people out there who shag their best mates' boyfriend on the sly/fantasise about their uncle's neighbour/steal from their grandmother/hate French people for no good reason makes me feel better about myself". Is that my deep, dark secret?

It still makes me feel good to read it though. It puts my tiny little problems into perspective. And I don't think I'm going to stop.

(Cue evil laugh)

Oh I too love grouphug. It's sooooo wrong sometimes. But deliciously so.
It's Jerry Springer online. If only I could read it whilst eating Cookies 'n' Cream ice-cream, the experience would be complete.
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