Thursday, May 04, 2006

It was fleeting, but sweet

Yesterday whenever I went out the back of the office to have a cigarette, there was this little cat hanging around. She was sort of winding her way around cars and garbage bins, as if they would reach down and pat her if she tried hard enough. She was close enough to know that I was there, and she knew I was watching her. When she wound her way around the front tyre of the car closest to me she looked up as if to say "Just give me the encouragement, and I'll be your friend" (Okay, maybe cats don't necessarily think that way, but I like to think they do).

The next time I came out, she was still there. I whispered a tiny "Here puss puss" and she was immediately doing figure eights of my ankles. I had to restrain myself from actually bending down and patting her though, because if I did that then I knew I'd be a goner. I went inside and told a colleague who is a big softy like me, and she asked whether we should take out a little bowl of milk for her? I thought about it and then said no, because if we did that she might stay and then I would just have to take her home, not being able to resist the lure of a stray.

She was a small kitty, not fully grown just yet but then even when she was I think she'd still be fairly runty. She had such a pretty face too. I would call her Agnes. I've always wanted to call a cat Agnes.

At the end of the day I went home and casually mentioned the cat story to Pom. "She was sooooo pretty" I said. "I'm highly allergic, you know that", says he. "I didn't say I wanted to bring her home" I answered, somewhat defensively "But she was really friendly too".

"I'm allergic. No way"

"But she looked so lost, like she's never had a home in the first place. She just desperately wanted some affection, it was so cute"

"Kymmy, I said no. I'm allergic to cats. You've got a dog, if you want another pet, get another dog"

"But Lucy and Agnes could be frieeeeennnnnnddddsss and they could snuggle up in the same bed together. It'd be reeeaaaallllyyy cuuuuuuute"


"That's what I would call her. I've always said I would call my cat Agnes. Honey, you know, you could always take anti-histamines?"

It was at that point that I realised how ridiculous I was being, suggesting Pom commit himself to a constant anti-histamine intake in order to accommodate my whimsical rescue operation of Agn….ermmm the cat.

I resolved that if she was still there in the morning that I would find her a home, probably with one of my colleagues. Then I could visit her and make sure she was looked after and happy.

When I pulled up at work this morning, she was nowhere to be seen.

Bye Agnes, I hope you have a happy life. You were so lovely.

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