Monday, June 05, 2006

Bits and Bots

The Bodybalance class was great, although it left me with screaming abdominal muscles until last Friday. And my level of flexibility has reduced, but that will return in time I'm sure. I was pleased to find that there was another delinquent like me up the back of the class and we covertly giggled at eachother when we lost balance and fell over. Which was a fair bit. I haven't managed to work up the gumption of returning to BodyPump yet, but have vowed I will do so this week. I have to prepare myself for the inevitable 5 days of not being able to move.

Went to my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary lunch yesterday down in ol' Castlemaine. Fuck me, that place is colder than I remember. However, the good thing was that I got to spend the arvo eating massive amounts of roast pork and crispy vegies, even if we were surrounded by oldies and I had to be prepared to repeat myself four times every time I said something. Makes the conversation drag out, believe you me.

On the drive home I was stuck in the back of the car with my sisters. My belly was soooo full, the car was soooo warm, and I just couldn't keep my eyes open. At one stage I woke up when we stopped at traffic lights in the middle of Bendigo. I had my head resting against the window, with my mouth wide open (as I am wont to do when I am sleeping, unfortunately), sort of like this:


Another time, closer to home, I was awoken by the rest of the car (being my sisters, my mum, and Pom) laughing at me because I was in a similar position only with my head directly back. I've seen photographs of myself sleeping before, and I would have to say I'm possibly the world's ugliest sleeper. Ever. I also take the title for ugliest crier, but that's a tale for another time.

Lucy ran away again too whilst we were out yesterday, even though I walked her at 6am yesterday morning (6am! On a Sunday morning!) and left her a massive breakfast in the vain hope that she would be too heavy/lathargic to jump the fence, but it didn't stop her. She was waiting for me at 5 this morning when I opened the front door. Bless.

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