Sunday, June 11, 2006

Things I know today

  • I am truly, wholly addicted to coffee. And it doesn't even have to be good coffee, any instant crap will do. I've got to cut down. *shakes*
  • I am very, very sore after Bodypump on Friday morning. It's getting better, seeing as though it's now Sunday, but even Pom said to me yesterday as I was attempting to get up off the couch to fetch a drink, "Let me get it for you, I'm sore just watching you try to get up". The residual pain is predominantly in my arse cheeks and my triceps.
  • Hot baths with crystal-y things have not helped.
  • It is completely acceptable to eat wedges of Camembert and Danish Blue with little toast-y things for dinner. And how.
  • Adding '-y things' is adequately descriptive if you are not aware/can't be bothered to find out of the proper name of something.
  • I did a great post about homes I'd been looking at on the interweb and how clever people are when it comes to decorating, and then Blogger wouldn't let me put the corresponding photo's up which made it completely redundant and I got a bit sad and angry. Mostly angry.
  • After Lucy has had a bath she smells like a puppy again and it's very cute. She loves the part at the end where she gets dried off with her towel the best.
  • I had this dream the other night which was very strange and I wonder what it means. I take a bit of an interest in dreams because some weird stuff has happened to me since I was 14 in relation to pregnancy dreams. If I dream I'm pregnant/in labour/a new mother, someone I know tends to announce/find out they are pregnant or if they are late in the pregnancy they will have the baby within days. This happened most recently with a colleague's daughter-in-law. I had a dream that I was in labour and the next day I went to work and told said colleague. She scoffed at it because the baby wasn't due for another 8 weeks. That night the woman went into labour and gave birth to a premmie (but healthy) baby girl. No shit. I know I sound like a complete wanker but it only happens in relation to pregnancy. I wish it would happen in relation to lotto numbers or something bloody useful.
  • The dream I had wasn't about pregnancy.
  • I am going to cook a beef casserole tonight because it will keep our bellies warm.

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