Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm like a six-year old on Christmas Eve right now...

One more sleep and then we're leeeeaaaavvvvinnnng, on a jet plane….only we know we'll be back on Monday.

So, in preparation I have purchased this dress which is going to look shit-hot with stockings, boots and beads.

I have had my eyebrows waxed.

Tonight my hairdresser is going to work his magic and tame my afro into silky, swinging tresses in the way only a bloke wielding two hairdryers simultaneously and bulging biceps can. AND I'm getting a much-needed colour to cover up the But-You're-Only-25-Why-Do-You-Have-Them-Already greys. Yay!

We have booked in here for Friday night, whereby I plan to spend a lot of time swanning around in the complimentary robe and slippers, possibly smoking cigars and sipping gin.

Lucy is going on a 'holiday' of her own, to the kennels. For the first time ever. I'm a bit nervous for her. I hope she doesn't spend all her time being a sook and instead learns to be normal and makes some friends etc. There was a question on the registration form asking if your dog is a 'escaper/jumper' and I wondered if I could answer in bold and capitals.

I have mentally drawn up a time budget for tomorrow morning.

I have not made a list of things to do/pack yet, but I know I will. I have a spare three hours at the hairdresser tonight so no doubt I shall do that then. Or maybe I should start now;
  1. Find Lucy's vaccination papers so I can prove to the crazy lady at the Kennels that she's not a distemper/pavovirus spreading hussy.
  2. Charge digital camera battery.
  3. Decide which pairs of shoes to take.
  4. Fill car with petrol for drive to Melbourne.
  5. Remember to take spare AAA for MP3 player.
  6. Swipe as much space from Pom's bag as possible when mine is filled up with hair products I won't use.

Shit, that's all I can think of at the moment. I just know I'll forget something. Just hope it's not my pants or something equally important.



nice dress mate
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