Thursday, July 13, 2006
I'm like a six-year old on Christmas Eve right now...
One more sleep and then we're leeeeaaaavvvvinnnng, on a jet plane….only we know we'll be back on Monday.
So, in preparation I have purchased this dress which is going to look shit-hot with stockings, boots and beads.
I have had my eyebrows waxed.
Tonight my hairdresser is going to work his magic and tame my afro into silky, swinging tresses in the way only a bloke wielding two hairdryers simultaneously and bulging biceps can. AND I'm getting a much-needed colour to cover up the But-You're-Only-25-Why-Do-You-Have-Them-Already greys. Yay!
We have booked in here for Friday night, whereby I plan to spend a lot of time swanning around in the complimentary robe and slippers, possibly smoking cigars and sipping gin.
Lucy is going on a 'holiday' of her own, to the kennels. For the first time ever. I'm a bit nervous for her. I hope she doesn't spend all her time being a sook and instead learns to be normal and makes some friends etc. There was a question on the registration form asking if your dog is a 'escaper/jumper' and I wondered if I could answer in bold and capitals.
I have mentally drawn up a time budget for tomorrow morning.
I have not made a list of things to do/pack yet, but I know I will. I have a spare three hours at the hairdresser tonight so no doubt I shall do that then. Or maybe I should start now;
- Find Lucy's vaccination papers so I can prove to the crazy lady at the Kennels that she's not a distemper/pavovirus spreading hussy.
- Charge digital camera battery.
- Decide which pairs of shoes to take.
- Fill car with petrol for drive to Melbourne.
- Remember to take spare AAA for MP3 player.
- Swipe as much space from Pom's bag as possible when mine is filled up with hair products I won't use.
Shit, that's all I can think of at the moment. I just know I'll forget something. Just hope it's not my pants or something equally important.
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