Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Desktop Assessment

My 'workstation'* is a plethora of files, correspondence, Court documents, sadness, hope, grief and many, many post-it notes with undecipherable numbers or words which I can't remember the meaning of but am too frightened to throw away. There are various sized bulldog clips, pre-printed labels for mail I send to oft-used addresses and pens that I only remember don't work when I pick one up and try to notate telephone conversations. I have a bottle of water which I refill many times a day, until it starts to get that weird smell about it and then I discard it and buy a new one. I have a dictaphone machine, police interview tapes of people confessing to horrendous crimes and denying others. 'No comment' interviews are so boring to transcribe, I love it when people are creative and come up with fanciful tales about exactly why they were carrying a baseball bat in the vicinity of someone lying on the ground with a cracked skull. I have a little toy orangutan** who is almost out of view behind my flat screen, given to me by one of my little sisters quite a few birthdays ago, I still love it. I used to have a birthday present from another little sister, a playdough lizard with googly eyes, baked until hard and painted lurid blue and green stripes. One of his feet got knocked off and I stuck it back on with blu-tack and it lasted a few more years until the fateful day it was knocked off my hard-drive and was irreparably destroyed, and I was sad. No amount of blu-tack would have worked. I have a notice-board which took six months of nagging to be tacked to the wall to the left of my desk. On that I have pinned the Magistrates' Court scale of Costs, a ten-pin bowling print-out of when I thrashed Pom 131-75, the timetable of classes at my gym, a post-it note that a client pinned to a document apologising for 'her tardiness' (I KNOW what it means, but I never said my sense of humour was particularly PC or tasteful), various usernames and passwords for programs I rarely use, a photo of Lucy sitting proudly, her doleful chocolaty liquid eyes looking straight through the lens. There's a print-out of how I am to cost family law files, and each time I refer to it I wonder how anyone can justify charging $28.65 for reading each page of a letter. The most recent addition to the board is the tag from a cat toy I purchased from the dinky $2 shop down the street for Agnes last week which has the delightful Engrish declaration "a quality and value products from ****** imports". I love that a lot. I have files stacked around my feet, I have to take a giant step over if I want to get away from my desk. I know where everything is, all of the time, even if some days it takes a few seconds to find my mouse.

I spend so much of my time here, at this space. I spend more time here than in my own bedroom.

I think that is sad.

*I hate the word. It's so mid-90's new-wave management speak. But I wanted to use it to annoy myself.

**Amusing (to me at least) side-note - my spellchecker suggests the alternative of 'orangutan' to be 'orangeman' which is exactly what orangutan means when directly translated from Indonesian to English. OMFG etc.

gee that sounds like mad fun kymmy! don't get too excited about it.
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