Sunday, September 24, 2006

Friday night was big. I'd had some shitcrack leave on Friday which saw me attending the chiropractor, napping, and not a whole lot else. So come Friday afternoon when my boss had some great news about a case that has been doing both of our heads in, he texted me and said I should come to the pub for a slight celebration. Which turned out to be a 5pm-3am celebration, with a mountain of KFC at the end of it. Why does 'dirty bird' appeal so much when one is liquored up? I will never know. I fell out of the taxi and into bed, only to wake up a cruelly few hours later with an excruciating hangover and no-one to blame but myself.

Yesterday was a complete waste, a horribly foggy mix of more dirty bird, neurophen, futile attempts at sleeping, more junk food and a pathetic attempt and trying to drink water to flush my system out. Sort of like pouring a cup of bleach into a sewerage pond. Lucy had a bloody 10am vets appointment to finally get her stitches out. I was still clearly pissed. I made Pom drive us to the clinic, as I was quite unable to do so. When we got into the reception area I made no eye contact with anyone, lest my blurry eyes belay my carefully strategised walking in a straight line. When Lucy hopped up onto the scales with minimal prompting and sat down to be weighed, I gave my own game away by shrieking loudly "OH! You're such a good girl! Look at you, hopping up on the scales straight away like that! You're suuuuccchhh a gooooood giiiiirrrrrl". The receptionists looked at me like I was a basket case and I quickly went and sat down without saying another word. I tried not to breathe in the direction of the vet in case she reported me to the animal equivalent of the DHS for bad parenting, luckily it was all over quite quickly and I was returned to the safety of my own bed shortly thereafter.

I nearly went into cardiac arrest when my boys narrowly proved their mettle to get into the grand-final and quite soon after that I had collapsed into a fitful sleep. Which is why I'm up so early this morning.

As a result of my champagne binge and subsequent terrible eating, I feel like a complete mess at the moment. My head is still foggy, my belly distended even more than usual. My hair feels greasy and my teeth feel like chalk. More irritatingly, my skin itches like I haven't showered in months. It's really not a nice time.

And I will probably do it all again next weekend.


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