Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Dinner was had last night in a beer garden with old friends and new friends. It was very enjoyable. Drinking glasses of champagne and smoking and talking on subjects I very rarely have the opportunity to discuss. My marinated lamb salad was divine, although I am having issues with eating meat at the moment and fear I will have to give up soon. Home by a reasonable hour and in bed not long after, I feel quite tired this morning however. It's more of a deep tiredness, as opposed to something that can be remedied with an hour long nanna-nap.

I was vegetarian (well, I ate fish) for quite a few years. Now I eat meat occasionally, but I'm careful to buy free-range chicken and RSPCA approved eggs.

That deep tiredness is the pits. I honestly could barely get out of bed this morning. And then I dragged the chain so much I was 20 minutes late for work. They should be grateful I came at all!

Rest up, kymmy, so that you can keep enjoying your lovely soirees!
I'm with you on the eggs, although my mum has chickens so I know how they are treated whilst being good egg-producers (i.e. they have names!) which makes it easy for me. I do like eating meat, usually, it's just that for a while now it'll be that I'm chowing down on a steak and I'll have thoughts about the animal it came from and how horrid it would have been for them to end up on my plate. I read somewhere (and I'm pretty sure it was on a blog) that pigs are clever enough to know what's happening when they're being herded into the abattoirs and they'll try to run the other way.

It doesn't make crispy bacon so tasty for me anymore.
Yeah, I'm not a big pork eater.

But I've thought about getting a little farm and raising sheep and cows and having them humanely slaughtered on site. After a long and lovely life, of course.

Do you think people would buy humanely raised chops?
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