Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I sent a text to a mate last night not long after partaking in a particularly special smoke:
'Just had fucking excellent movie idea - an action packed, heart-stopping search for missing Russian king - "Dude, where's my Tsar". Whaddya think?'
His reply - 'see you on the big screen'
Thing is, even this morning without the benefit of being bent, I still find this funny. The other thing is now that I'm not sure if I've heard it before and have simply stolen the idea as my own or if it is an original thought. Not sure which is worse.
Yep, saddo = me. There's no denying it.

That is pure, unadulterated, prime time GOLD!

And, of course you thought of it first!
I was high fiving myself last night Meva.

Was high fiving myself this morning, too.

So sad.
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