Thursday, March 22, 2007

Foods I am going to have to get rid of if I want to stop porking on like a Mofo (beginnings of a list).

  1. Fresh, soft, lovely bread with real, soft, lovely butter.
  2. Tim-tams (as a meal).
  3. Tim-tams (with coffee or for dessert).
  4. Cadbury's Roast Almond chocolate.
  5. Little Easter eggs.
  6. Sausages.
  7. Champagne (not technically a food but it has substituted for a meal on many occasions).
  8. Soft cheeses.
  9. Hard cheeses.
  10. Little baby cheeses.
  11. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese. God I love cheese.

I will add more foods to the list as I eat them they come to mind.

Maybe limit the foods/beverages you consume to those starting with 'ch'. I'll give it a try if you will! Surely we could live on cheese, champagne and chocolate!

I'm so in.
Of course! one of the very best 'ch' words! And cheezels, too.
Oooh.....cheezels. Nice one, Meva.
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