Monday, March 05, 2007

I went to the pub on Friday after work for a couple of quiet drinks and somehow I fell out of the taxi at 3am Saturday morning and proceeded to lay on the grass in my backyard hugging the dog whilst having a fag before forcefully spewing my guts up into my bathtub and waking up on Saturday morning with my head on the bathmat.

I had promised to help some friends move house on Saturday but when I got there in the late afternoon it was all I could do to sit on their couch and not break into a cold sweat. I told them I was there to supervise and being the delightful people they are, they were happy with that.

I mowed half of the lawn yesterday and then lost interest so I will have to finish that tonight.

I have also made THE DECISION to give up smoking starting today and thus far I am not feeling very good about it. I had a nicotine patch leftover from my last effort and I have slapped that on my hip this morning where it is currently itching like the bejesus and my mind is racing. Sad, isn't it? It's just gone 9am. Thing is I am (was) a pack a day smoker, have been since I was 17 and this is going to be a massive test for me. I have no willpower and (apparently) an addictive personality and not smoking is just going to hurt badly for a while. But lordy, I hope I can do it. I just want to prove to myself that I am capable of finishing something I start.

Wish me luck.

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