Saturday, March 31, 2007

It has been announced that David Hicks will serve nine months of a seven year sentence as a result of his plea bargain with the US military commission. He will serve that sentence in Australia, and as part of the agreement he will be transferred to Australia within 60 days.

To be honest, I'm a bit confused about this whole thing. I don't feel satisfied with what's happened. I am disappointed in, although I can understand the reasons behind, Hicks entering into a plea bargain. But will we ever really know the truth behind what happened? I understand that he wanted to get out of Guantanamo Bay, and this was the quickest way to do so. And originally I thought, well why wouldn't you just say 'yeah I did it, can I go home now?' but Hicks had to explain to the commission the full extent of his involvement in the activities he was accused of and charged with. I wonder what he told them? Will this information ever be made public? Do we now have to vindicate the US military for holding him for 5 unexplained years, very possibly wrecking the man, in conditions that they would not even subject their own citizens to, on the basis that he plead out? Does this 'result' for the US justify the military commission and will it continue despite being condemned as illegal by the highest Court in very country it was developed? Most irritatingly in my eyes, the time he spent in Guantanamo wasn't formally recognised and wasn't taken into account in his sentencing. Why are the US military allowed to hold themselves above the law of the rest of the world?

So. Many. Questions.

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