Monday, March 26, 2007

A recap for those who haven't been listening (and because I'm a pathetic blogger)

(aka Bella, Bubba, Woooocy)

Likes: Pigs Ears, Lots of cuddles, Sleeping on mum's bed when I think mum is asleep or when mum is not there, having a bath, having my collar taken off and then put back on, small people (dwarfs, children etc), walks, bacon fat, my reindeer ears, my nanna, the heater, the vet (because I get fussed over).

Dislikes: New people (men in particular), storms, being outside by myself at night, loud sudden noises, doing poo when people can see me, ants, going in the car.

(aka Fagnes, Fatty fat fat)

Likes: Being outside, watching the world from atop the garage roof, cuddles when I feel like it, dribbling on mum's knee, Whiskas chicken with gravy, hiding on long grass to launch into a surprise attack on Lucy, scooting under the doona when it's cold.

Dislikes: Being made to stay inside, food with fish in it, that imbecile Esme following me around all the time, cuddles when I don't feel like it.

(aka Sooky, Whingy, stop jumping in front of my feet you little shit)

Likes: Sooking to get attention, throwing myself in front of mum's feet when I'm hungry, feathers, my big sister Agnes, crickets, sleeping on mum, sleeping on the ironing board, tickles under the chin, my scratching pole, sneaking out into the front yard.

Dislikes: The dogs next door, the vacuum, being too little to jump up on the windowsill, mum coming and getting me from the front yard, food that is half a day old.

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