Monday, May 14, 2007

An update on my downward spiral to a living in a cardboard box

I got a call last week from the property manager at the estate agents saying that the landlord (agent) had reconsidered and decided that I could stay, given that I am (usually) such a good tenant. I declined, explaining that I felt very uncomfortable about the fact that he had come into my house without telling me. I confirmed with her that my reference would be fine, and said I would be in touch when I found a new property. She was very good about it. I felt quite strong after that, but wondered if I'd made the right decision. I think I have. I think if I stay here I would feel like I was being monitored, or feeling as though I owed him for his 'reconsideration'. I mean, what if I had a stray weed in the garden bed, would that be enough for the next time he wanted to crack the shits and tell me I have to leave?

So, the next weird thing I did was wait until after work and then went and had a talk to the partner. I actually tried to resign, explaining what was happening and that the only funds available to me at the moment is the ludicrous amount of annual leave I have banked up. He refused to accept my resignation and promised he would 'sort it out' for me. He offered to deal with the agent if I wanted him to, to which I said that I appreciated the sentiment but that I was a big girl and could fight my own battles. He went on a lot about how they think I'm a star and how much they value me which I said was nice but praise doesn't pay my bills. He indicated a salary review. I think it's all a load of shit.

I'm now in the process of trying to find somewhere to live which a. isn't in the ghetto, b. will allow me to keep my 'girls' and c. won't send me broke. Talk about a challenge. At least, hopefully, I will soon have a functioning heater, as my house is nine parts fucking freezing at the moment due to my heater not working/landlord not caring about fixing it.

How cold is it in Melbourne at the moment? Sounds like winter is already properly there. We're still enjoying sunny days despite the cold mornings in Sydney.

Hope you get this all sorted out soon. You're right, it is a challenge, but as you say, you're a big girl.
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