Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cardboard box be damned…..

I gotstme a house, people. Move in 3 weeks. Best of all, it's heated, so I won't have to spend my evenings looking like I'm about to hit the slopes and entertaining myself by watching my breath in the air.

Lets do a recap. In the last week I have;

Lost 2.7kgs - Check.

Avoided homelessness - Check.

Pashed a very cute boy - Check.

Got approached by another firm (with an inadequate offer, but nonetheless, it's flattering) - Check.

The world's coming up Kymmy.

"Lost 2.7kgs - Check."

So blase. Like, how? (Why does that never happen to me? Grrr!)
Just a drop in the ocean of flab, jl. I think it is more due to stress than any super-healthy effort on my behalf.
Yay Kymmy!!

Personally, I reckon avoiding homelessness is the only redeeming feature of moving house, but the rest of it: pure good-stuff.
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