Thursday, September 27, 2007

I did it!

I went to the gym last night. Am very proud of myself. I actually went when I said I would, and I huffed and puffed and sweated and bumped into things for over an hour.

Of some concern, I am not very sore today. Which either means that;

(a) I am much, much fitter than I imagined.
(b) I really didn't push myself enough.

I'm opting for the latter.

When we got home I then cooked a fettuccine carbonara which was sensational, if I do say so myself. I even made it with low-fat evaporated milk instead of cream and cut all the fat from the bacon and we couldn't taste the difference.

Good times.

Hold up, not to burst your bubble or anything, but sometimes it takes up to two days for the muscles to start hurting. How do you feel today?
Ummmm yeah, this morning it's not pretty. Just my legs though.

I'm blaming you for putting the moz on me jl!

It obviously has been too long since I went to the gym if I forgot about the day after the day after thing.

Seriously, it's called DOMS. Delayed Onset Muscle Strain. Maybe a medicinal alcoholic beverage will help with the pain. ;)
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