Monday, September 17, 2007

Settlin' in

We are now a house of six, with a LOT more furniture than I'd ever anticipated. This is good. The addition of a big bookcase and a carved chest and paintings on every possible wall-space amongst other items makes the house more homely, and my new housemate (hereinafter referred to as "V") has cooked beautiful meals whilst I have languished on the couch and I can foresee this being a very happy time indeed.

The only hiccup thus far is V's cat, Cecil. He is a big lopey 'intact' male, about a month younger than my Esme (so, about 10 months old) but twice her size. He reminds me of a teenage boy not yet grown into his body, he is all limbs and unsure of how to co-ordinate himself. There is a lot of tension between my girls and the Intruder. Much hissing and yowling and being backed into corners from all parties concerned and whilst there has been little actual scragging, the whole thing is not doing a lot of good for the nerves. Luckily any potential situations thus far have been diffused by Lucy 'the bouncer' intervening. She always has looked after her little mates and over the weekend came to the rescue several times. Cecil has quickly realised he is no match for the Really Big One and backs away.

I do hope they expedite the learning to be friends process but never having had boy animals before, I'm not sure how to help things along. I think Cecil requires a trip to the vet for him to be less 'intact' but of course, not being my pet, I can't decide this. V has proposed that Esme has man issues given the events of late and perhaps this is true also.

Once Cecil starts spraying, and given his age that should be any moment now, his intact-ed-ness will become the business of anyone with a nose.

Take it from someone who chose to learn this lesson the very, very, hard way.
Right, that's it. His nuts are coming off.

No further discussion.
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