Thursday, December 13, 2007


Ooooh I'm nervous.

How did it go? Is the silence a good sign?

It was good! It was really lovely, and now I'm left with the conundrum of what to do next. We made activity-specific plans for the next time but with no firm date so I'm all confused about what to do next.

He's a shy boy. I'm a relatively traditional but impatient girl. God help me, aren't there guide-books for this sort of things? Failing that, blog-friends to advise me?!!
I think this is why I've always avoided traditional dating - it would drive me crazy. My mother brought me up with strict instructions never to chase a man, which doesn't help if a guy is shy and needs a bit of gentle prodding.

Can he be prodded? Gently?
Duly noted and gently prodded, thank you PG, we are going out again tomorrow night.

Woo-hoo! Have fun x
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