Monday, February 04, 2008

It is everything I thought I wanted.

An office. Of my very own. Windowless, but no offices in this building have windows, so I do not feel particularly ripped off. I have dreamed for a long, long time of not being in the firing line of the bored receptionists' chat. Of being able argue with my mother over the telephone without resorting to hissing that everyone can hear anyway. Of devoting even more of my working day to Facebooking and blogging without having to click the screen away when someone wanted to use the photocopier located behind me. Uninterrupted Scrabulous! It could not get any better.

The reality is that my office is actually a cell. It is tiny and I am a little claustrophobic. I am now jealous of the shenanigans that I can hear through the door and behind the wall. I used to instigate ALL of that noise. No-one knows, in detail, what I did on my weekend and it's after 1pm! (Admittedly, it was utterly excitement-free, but still).

Worst of all is that no-one is playing Scrabulous with me quickly enough. But still, I have an office.

Perfect for the days when you really don't want to talk to anyone. Are there enough reasons for you to leave your office?

At my last place of work, everyone kept their office doors open except when they were in meetings. Everyone except the guy we suspected of masturbating in his office.

You can do anything!
I need to leave the cell to pick up printing, do photocopying, see clients, make numerous cups of coffee and take extended smoke breaks. The office doors are always open and it's gotten to the point that I am flagging people down as they walk past just to talk to someone. I am now the creepy annoying woman of the office.

Was the weird guy in your office only suspected of masturbating because he had his door closed? Or were there other, more obvious, There's Something About Mary type reasons? I am intrigued.
A colleague walked in on him without knocking and apparently he was "bent over doing something!",jumped about a mile in the air, stood with his back to her and then asked her to leave. Oops.

I think it's always good to knock :)
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