Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A question for a day wherein if I weren't so stoned I'd call and ask my mum....

Can soy sauce ever go off?

We've taken a vote for you, here in my house, but I'm afraid the results are inconclusive.

Him-that-is-scientifically-knowledgeable says: possible but unlikely given the high levels of fermentation.

but, it does say 'refrigerate after opening' on the bottle, so he could be talkin' shite.
Thank you so much for your efforts, Miz. My housemate prescribes to a similar theory about sour cream ("Well it can't get any more sour").

If anything, I have discovered that even if soy sauce can go off, it won't hurt you. Or else I just have a cast iron gut but there may be birth defects in my future children.
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