Friday, June 30, 2006


Pom and I made our first non-edible joint purchase last night. How exciting!

It was this:

That's right bitches, Family Guy Season Four.

Too. Good.

At the counter of the store we were making this purchase from last night I tried remember if we'd bought anything else together. At first I thought maybe we'd jointly purchased Li-Li (who, by the way, LIVES ON), and then recalled that I'd paid for Li-Li and Pom had bought the pot she lives in. So not a joint purchase as such.

So I did a bit of a mental recount of goods purchased since we moved in together all those years (six months) ago…..

Washing Machine - Pom.

Wine Glasses - Me.

Lounge Suite - Pom.

Kick-arse frypans - Me.

Dining Setting - Pom.

Cute stained glass candle-holder thingos on our mantlepiece - Me.

George Foreman Grill - Pom.

Potato peeler (first and second one after first one was accidentally thrown out with scraps) - Me.

DVD player - Pom.

Roasting dish WITH rack - Me.

Television - Pom.

Plastic microwavable egg-poacher doodad - Me.

Verdict -

Pom has bought a lot of stuff.

I am pox.

However, I have put a fridge on lay-by (which also sounds pox, but I didn't have enough for it and it was on sale and I couldn't miss out etc etc) and it's a 512L bottom-stacked Westinghouse and it will kick arse. When I have paid it off. And also, I had heaps of stuff when we moved into the house, and Pom had a backpack of clothes, so we're more on par than it would appear.

End of Financial Year hassles are over for another 12 months. We made budget, the powers that be will be happy, and the champagne is on them. Which may result us in not getting a pay-rise this year. Who knows.

I'm about 20 minutes away from laying on my couch in my pyjama's watching Family Guy and eating M&M's for dinner. Can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.

Hope you have a good weekend too.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Today it is quite likely that I will stab someone in the eye.

Maybe with a pen.


If push comes to shove, a paperclip. Although that's less of a stabbing than a piercing.

Me and End Of Financial Year do not get along.

At all.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My eyes hurt.

Goddamn they sting.

I want to go back to bed. Badly.

This is what happens when you stay up until stupid-a.m. to watch the Socceroo's take on Italy. And it's also what happens when you're on the edge of your very seat for the entire game. Up until the last 3 seconds that is, when the umpire calls a STUPID foul for an incident which could hardly constitute a malicious or deliberate act. And then, of all farking decisions, the ref awards a penalty shot. So your heart is beating out of it's chest, you grab the hands of the two people either side of you, and you suck in your breath.

And it's in.

It's motherchucking in.

F*ck you.

F*ck you all.

And that's why my eyes hurt today.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Aussie Aussie Aussie - ouch ouch ouch

The Australia -v- Croatia game was unreal, wasn't it? Pom and I gathered at the home of friends for squinty-eyed viewing goodness. We had breakfast, and coffee and watched the game with baited breath for it's entirety. Much happiness when the final whistle was blown, we had secured the progression through to the second round after a final 10 minutes of being more on the edge of our seats than we'd been for the first part of the game.

As we were leaving our home at about quarter to five, I was faced with a very soggy lawn to traverse to get to the car, handbag and pancake mix (our contribution to breakfast) in my possession. I didn't factor for the deceptively slick concrete I had to step down on first. In my thongs. Which have no traction. Onto the cement. With water pooling onto it from 2 solid days of rain. My leading foot sort of went out from under me, I tried to compensate by shifting my bodyweight forward, so as not to land on my arse. Unfortunately, this merely resulted in my ankle turning sideways and me hearing a pop. If the neighbours weren't already up for the soccer by then, the howl I made would have certainly woken them. I managed to sit myself down near the front door, holding my leg off the ground by the knee, and sobbing very loudly, waiting for Pom to finish turning the lights out and locking the back door, to come and rescue me. I felt a rush of nausea from the pain and thought I was going to be sick. It fucking hurt. It really fucking hurt. Pom finally came out and assessed the situation, looking at my foot and saying 'I think we might have to take you to casualty'. 'No, no, that's not blood, it's mud' I say, not daring to look. 'No, it's not the mud I'm worried about'. I forced open my eyes to look at my foot, and am amazed to see that in the space of less than 60 seconds, a golf-ball sized swelling has formed. I knew I'd heard a pop. I tested my weight on it, it still bloody hurt but it couldn't be too bad if I could bear weight. I then instructed Pom to put the pancake mix into the car. He helped me across the lawn and into the car, and I spent the next two hours with a quickly melting bag of frozen mixed vegetables on my foot. Two days later, it's now a reasonably ugly black, but I'm not walking with a limp today. Almost as good as new. Amazing.

I always marvel at how our bodies can put up with so much shit, you know? I mean, we give them a fair bashing for the most part, and they just shrug and get back to the work of healing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Last night was great for the following reasons;

Went to the gym after work and introduced a colleague to the wonderful world of Bodypump, a world to which I am re-addicted. Left the gym with jelly-legs and tons of energy. Colleague is not happy with me today on account of her not being able to move without pain. I am yet to advise her that tomorrow will be worse.

Headed out to dinner with Pom, something that we don't do very often nowadays. We met up with two other couples, being A & A, and A & R. The three A's are all the same name which proved a slight challenge.

We had a lovely, lovely meal. Starting with tapas, of which I just wanted more and more. Tapas is God's gift to the indecisive. I had atlantic salmon for my main, which was sensational. I won't even try to describe the dish, it was complex and yet beautifully simple at once. We all shared bottles of Shiraz throughout, which was perfect. We finished by with communal cheese platters, and as we all know, cheese is my weakness. It was delectable. The wine made everybody happy, the beautiful food made everyone content, and I got to know A & A better, as I didn't really know them well before last night. They're getting married in England early next year and were telling us of their plans. It made me sad that they aren't able to have a legally recognised ceremony in this country, but as one of the A's is a pom she was okay because it means her friends and family can be there. Pom and pom-A talked soccer and England. I talked dogs-as-substitute-children with the other A in that couple. We have organised a play-date for Lucy and their beloved pooch. We all talked about being healthy and fit and all agreed that our love of food and drink prevented us from attaining this as a lifestyle. We organised a Australia -v- Croatia breakfast at A & R's house. Juice and pancakes and bbq'd animal products at 5am on Friday. I can't bloody wait.

Got home at a reasonable hour, Lucy seemed happier. I put this down to telling her that I'd blogged about how sad she was and that her Aunty Jen hoped she would be ok soon. She was doing some tail wagging and wanting to snuggle last night.

I didn't dream of her dying.

Happy times.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Lucy is sad.

This makes me sad.

She's lost her 'spark' and I'm not sure what's wrong with her. She's still eating, so I don't think she's ill as such. She's just spending a lot of time curled up in the garden, or curled up on the couch with me. She doesn't want to sit next to Pom anymore, and this makes him sad too. This morning as I was putting my make-up on to go to work, she stood next to where I was sitting, resting her head on my knee, very quiet, just looking at me.

Last night she stood by the bed, very still, just looking at one spot. Which happened to be nothing. This happened for a good 10 minutes. I can't work it out.

She's also doing a lot of whining/crying for no apparent reason. She's desperate for affection, and licks my hand submissively when we have our mum-and-Lucy-time together. She snuffles her nose into my leg, or my belly, and closes her eyes.

I've been having dreams about her too. The night before last the dream involved me walking around with a new puppy which I'd gotten because Lucy had passed away. I didn't like the new puppy because it wasn't Lucy.

Last night's dream involved me actually seeing her getting hit by a car. I could see the car coming and had tried to make the car stop by yelling and waving my arms about but the driver wasn't paying attention and it hit her. I ran over to where Lucy was and she'd lost control of her bladder on the dirt road, she was trying to crawl to me but her legs wouldn't work. I took out my mobile to call the vet but my fingers wouldn't work on the buttons. I kept dialling the wrong numbers, I just couldn't make the fucking phone work. I was getting more and more anxious about not being able to call the vet, and I was crying. I had scooped Lucy up, she was whimpering and looking at me and there was nothing I could do to help her.

My heart broke in that dream.

I woke up this morning with an awful feeling in my stomach, my eyes felt like they had been crying and I was exhausted. Lucy was fine though, curled up on my feet at the end of my bed. It was such a tangible relief to see her when I woke up.

I hope I stop having these dreams. And I hope Lucy gets her mojo back soon.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Things I know today

  • I am truly, wholly addicted to coffee. And it doesn't even have to be good coffee, any instant crap will do. I've got to cut down. *shakes*
  • I am very, very sore after Bodypump on Friday morning. It's getting better, seeing as though it's now Sunday, but even Pom said to me yesterday as I was attempting to get up off the couch to fetch a drink, "Let me get it for you, I'm sore just watching you try to get up". The residual pain is predominantly in my arse cheeks and my triceps.
  • Hot baths with crystal-y things have not helped.
  • It is completely acceptable to eat wedges of Camembert and Danish Blue with little toast-y things for dinner. And how.
  • Adding '-y things' is adequately descriptive if you are not aware/can't be bothered to find out of the proper name of something.
  • I did a great post about homes I'd been looking at on the interweb and how clever people are when it comes to decorating, and then Blogger wouldn't let me put the corresponding photo's up which made it completely redundant and I got a bit sad and angry. Mostly angry.
  • After Lucy has had a bath she smells like a puppy again and it's very cute. She loves the part at the end where she gets dried off with her towel the best.
  • I had this dream the other night which was very strange and I wonder what it means. I take a bit of an interest in dreams because some weird stuff has happened to me since I was 14 in relation to pregnancy dreams. If I dream I'm pregnant/in labour/a new mother, someone I know tends to announce/find out they are pregnant or if they are late in the pregnancy they will have the baby within days. This happened most recently with a colleague's daughter-in-law. I had a dream that I was in labour and the next day I went to work and told said colleague. She scoffed at it because the baby wasn't due for another 8 weeks. That night the woman went into labour and gave birth to a premmie (but healthy) baby girl. No shit. I know I sound like a complete wanker but it only happens in relation to pregnancy. I wish it would happen in relation to lotto numbers or something bloody useful.
  • The dream I had wasn't about pregnancy.
  • I am going to cook a beef casserole tonight because it will keep our bellies warm.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Damn you Blogger....

Blogger won't let me post photo's today.

*chucks tantrum*

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bits and Bots

The Bodybalance class was great, although it left me with screaming abdominal muscles until last Friday. And my level of flexibility has reduced, but that will return in time I'm sure. I was pleased to find that there was another delinquent like me up the back of the class and we covertly giggled at eachother when we lost balance and fell over. Which was a fair bit. I haven't managed to work up the gumption of returning to BodyPump yet, but have vowed I will do so this week. I have to prepare myself for the inevitable 5 days of not being able to move.

Went to my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary lunch yesterday down in ol' Castlemaine. Fuck me, that place is colder than I remember. However, the good thing was that I got to spend the arvo eating massive amounts of roast pork and crispy vegies, even if we were surrounded by oldies and I had to be prepared to repeat myself four times every time I said something. Makes the conversation drag out, believe you me.

On the drive home I was stuck in the back of the car with my sisters. My belly was soooo full, the car was soooo warm, and I just couldn't keep my eyes open. At one stage I woke up when we stopped at traffic lights in the middle of Bendigo. I had my head resting against the window, with my mouth wide open (as I am wont to do when I am sleeping, unfortunately), sort of like this:


Another time, closer to home, I was awoken by the rest of the car (being my sisters, my mum, and Pom) laughing at me because I was in a similar position only with my head directly back. I've seen photographs of myself sleeping before, and I would have to say I'm possibly the world's ugliest sleeper. Ever. I also take the title for ugliest crier, but that's a tale for another time.

Lucy ran away again too whilst we were out yesterday, even though I walked her at 6am yesterday morning (6am! On a Sunday morning!) and left her a massive breakfast in the vain hope that she would be too heavy/lathargic to jump the fence, but it didn't stop her. She was waiting for me at 5 this morning when I opened the front door. Bless.

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