Saturday, March 31, 2007
To be honest, I'm a bit confused about this whole thing. I don't feel satisfied with what's happened. I am disappointed in, although I can understand the reasons behind, Hicks entering into a plea bargain. But will we ever really know the truth behind what happened? I understand that he wanted to get out of Guantanamo Bay, and this was the quickest way to do so. And originally I thought, well why wouldn't you just say 'yeah I did it, can I go home now?' but Hicks had to explain to the commission the full extent of his involvement in the activities he was accused of and charged with. I wonder what he told them? Will this information ever be made public? Do we now have to vindicate the US military for holding him for 5 unexplained years, very possibly wrecking the man, in conditions that they would not even subject their own citizens to, on the basis that he plead out? Does this 'result' for the US justify the military commission and will it continue despite being condemned as illegal by the highest Court in very country it was developed? Most irritatingly in my eyes, the time he spent in Guantanamo wasn't formally recognised and wasn't taken into account in his sentencing. Why are the US military allowed to hold themselves above the law of the rest of the world?
So. Many. Questions.
Spruik time
Check it out here.
I am. Yes, I'm even getting off my couch to go support/heckle her.
And if you don't, I
Friday, March 30, 2007
Why Why Why?
I accepted.
Set for tonight.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I'm not going to name it
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I go through stages of being a completely obsessed about going to the gym, walking the dog for hours on end and eating really well. Then I just get the shits on and stop completely. I'm in one of those stages where I've got the shits on. I'm going to have to get over myself very very soon because I am starting to feel really……crap. It's all well and good eating whatever I feel like and making the most physical activity of my day reaching for the remote but this quickly develops into aches, tiredness, grumpiness and being…..soft. Arms are soft. Legs are soft. Arse is soft. I don't want to try and start emulating the hard body of say, Madonna, but I've had enough of the bloody softness. I feel like pudge.
I also know that getting going again will help my current sleeping issues, dealing with the work situation, and the fact that I just want to stay at home by myself for the foreseeable future.
So, I am officially declaring on this here blog that as of today, I am officially back into it.
Yeah, you just watch me go.
Monday, March 26, 2007
A recap for those who haven't been listening (and because I'm a pathetic blogger)
Dislikes: New people (men in particular), storms, being outside by myself at night, loud sudden noises, doing poo when people can see me, ants, going in the car.
Dislikes: Being made to stay inside, food with fish in it, that imbecile Esme following me around all the time, cuddles when I don't feel like it.
Dislikes: The dogs next door, the vacuum, being too little to jump up on the windowsill, mum coming and getting me from the front yard, food that is half a day old.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Fiddy Candles
For all the issues that we have had over the years, I love her dearly, and I know that she loves me in that way that only parents can love their delinquent children.
Happy Birthday Reeeeneeeee!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The dinner is being held at the home of friends of hers (M & T).
I saw M & T at K's house a few weeks ago for Yum Cha which K made all by herself because she is Far More Clever at cooking than anyone who is not on tele with their own cooking show or in a restaurant and getting paid for it should actually be. It was on a Sunday and I happened to be deathly hungover so I spent most of my time in the K's loungroom with other Hungover People and had cold sweats and sooked about how hungover I was which was met with no sympathy because we were all in the same predicament.
That's not the point of my story.
The point is that M & T and another couple were there and they greeted me in a very friendly manner and called me by name immediately and therefore I was not introduced to them as in "Kymmy, this is M & T and Other Couple, M & T and Other Couple, this is Kymmy" presumably because K already thought I knew them and thus no introductions were necessary. WRONG. I do not know, out of M & T and Other Couple, who M & T actually are and who the Other Couple actually are. M & T and Other Couple are, at this stage in my mind, pretty much indistinguishable from eachother. The girls are both little with jaunty haircuts and pretty faces. The boys were average height, average build and both had brown hair. And I do not exactly know how they know my name and why they spoke to me with such familiarity. This worries me because it means that I have probably been "champagne friends" with them at some function and then promptly erased them from my mind once my BAC lowered to normal levels. This is not because I did not like them but rather than between 2002-mid 2005 I was pretty much pissed more than I was sober. The Party Years. I lived in a house with two boys for a couple of years and there were a lot of parties and goings on which are mostly a blur.
So I got an invitation by e-mail from M to come to this farewell dinner which is very lovely and I am going because I want to say goodbye to K and also it is always nice when someone else cooks for you.
This evening will hopefully not be problematic UNLESS;
- Other Couple is there (highly likely).
- No-one addresses M or T or Other Couple by name when I can hear them and take a Mental Note.
I am sure by the end of this evening I will know who is who and tomorrow all my troubles will be over but I am particularly interested to know of the connection between M & T and Other Couple and myself without actually admitting that (a) I do not know their names and (b) I cannot remember how I know them. Is there a way to surreptitiously do this and not be sprung? Particularly because at the Yum Cha I did not let on that I had not a bloody clue who they are but rather acted equally as friendly in return (as well as one can with a churning stomach and cotton-wool brain) whilst having that slightly disconcerting feeling that one gets presumably when someone else is being familiar to them AND THEY DO NOT KNOW THEM.
Foods I am going to have to get rid of if I want to stop porking on like a Mofo (beginnings of a list).
- Fresh, soft, lovely bread with real, soft, lovely butter.
- Tim-tams (as a meal).
- Tim-tams (with coffee or for dessert).
- Cadbury's Roast Almond chocolate.
- Little Easter eggs.
- Sausages.
- Champagne (not technically a food but it has substituted for a meal on many occasions).
- Soft cheeses.
- Hard cheeses.
- Little baby cheeses.
- Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese. God I love cheese.
I will add more foods to the list as I eat them they come to mind.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Because I can
Step by step guide to a night on the turps
Gloss. Now you're ready.
Take photo's of your friend at her hen's night in embarrassing novelty underwear for later internerd posting without their knowledge.
Refuse to have any photo's taken of yourself because you know that drunken photographs of yourself are for the most part hideous.
Things that also 'might' happen that you should/can not take photo's of;
- Wrapping your floral neck piece around a strangers head exclaiming that they looked like they 'needed a lei'.
- Kissing an ex-lover in full view of your mates.
- Complaining to security that there are too many young people in the venue.
- The hotdog you got from the dodgy food van before you walked home. You need two hands to hold that.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Now I remember...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Saturday mornings
No pressure.
Full of possibility.
Friday, March 16, 2007
This week I;
- Deferred my degree for six months so as to ensure I'm always in the office to make sure shit doesn't go wrong while the new lady is learning how to be a lawyer.
- Worked about 55 hours.
- Got paid for working 38 hours.
- Got paid badly for working 38 hours.
- Threw a (well orchestrated and justified) tantrum at one of the partners and was pleased to finally work out how he deals with conflict (badly. like a spoilt child. this knowledge is fucking invaluable).
- Ate Tim Tams with milk for dinner one night.
- Ate a whole packet of Sakata crackers for dinner another night. (wasabi & soy. so. good.)
- Avoided the Yoga DVD.
- Received a phone call from my old boss calling from his new, very professional workplace and proceeded to make a lot of screeching monkey noises to try and get him in trouble (on the basis that I was hoping they could hear me through the phone on the other side). It didn't work but it was still amusing.
- Discovered my clothes are getting tighter (what? with meals comprised entirely of Tim-Tams? how did this happen?)
- Walked to work every day.
- Thought about making my gym-bunny comeback.
- Didn't.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
In reality, I have not yet applied for the job. I have made some headway though, yesterday I e-mailed a 'contact' who's name will hopefully be a clincher on my C.V. At least, if I were applying for a job in Melbourne it would be. Perth, I wasn't so sure. He enthusiastically agreed to be a referee, and mentioned that he happened to be speaking to the head of the organisation where I plan to apply for the job just the other day, being a friend of his. Woot!
This is a sign.
What isn't so great is thinking about finding a place to live. It is so bloody expensive over there. I mean, ridiculously so. This is obviously due to the 'boom' that everyone's talking about, whereby most of the population are earning ridiculous amounts of money and the real estate market has burst a blood vessel in it's eye to cash in. Which doesn't bode well for me. Especially with the three babies to cater for. Truly, at this early stage it looks like it'd be easier to rent a house in the middle of Melbourne than to find somewhere in Perth where I can have a backyard for the dog and buy groceries. I've done some more exploratory e-mailing to friends there asking them to keep their eyes and ears open in relation to people wanting housemates to move in with their excessive amount of pets. I'm not holding my breath. I really don't want to have to think about 'alternative arrangements' in relation to the girls. Especially Lucy, I just can't fathom not having her with me. It's not an option. There must be some sort of secret rental list where you show your birth certificate to prove you're not really from 'over east' and they say "Oooh, well here's a delightful fully renovated 3 bedroom terrace with a HUGE backyard and pets are welcome - is $200 a week okay?". Can anyone clarify this for me? I have actually been told that a lot of real estate agents over there don't list on the internet, but surely this can't be the case. Not on the internet? Doesn't exist then.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Just a word of advice
*Or Gumby's chick mate, what was her name? Did she have a lop-sided head too? I can't remember...was there even a chick Gumby in the show? I can really only remember him and the Woolley Mammoth who shot ice cubes out of his trunk.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I attended one of my closest mates' 30th birthday bashes on Friday eve, held on the balcony of everyone's* favourite establishment. It was a cracking party. A balmy eve, so many good and clever people to talk to, a lot of champagne. You know how this ends….
I smoked my guts out.
Meva is right, there's going to have to be a hiatus on social activity whereby drinking is involved if I'm ever going to get a grip on this no-smoking idea. I just can't have a glass in one hand and nothing in the other. Unless of course I start clutching to someone's arm to fill the void, which could land me in a whole heap of trouble given the right circumstances. So I have started again, comforted by the fact that I lasted a whole 5 days with only one public display of tears and the confidence that I have accepted only one social invitation in the next few weeks, which should give me enough time to practice my lectures as 'reformed' and make other smokers want to punch me in the mouth.
I caught up with my BFF (for want of a less gay term) on Friday night too, he who rudely took his lady and moved to Melbourne a few weeks ago and in doing so the both of them have left my life here quite empty both professionally and socially. At about 2am when I was slumped in the corner of another pub I asked for his thoughts on what to do about EVERYTHING. Because obviously the only time that I am receptive to such comprehensive advice on life is when I'm completely shickered and barely able to form coherent sentences. And the man to deliver such advice is naturally one who once jumped up on my desk making monkey noises whilst I was on a phonecall. I do remember him saying that I should work out what I wanted to do and then take steps to make it happen. Gee thanks, Dr Phil. He also told me that another friend of his was at a crossroads and she wrote lists of everything she was, everything she wanted to be and how to bridge the gap between the two. And now, of course, she's living her dream. I also know this person and I have a feeling her lists would have had entries such as "hug more trees" and "be nicer to people not possible".
I like lists. A lot. They are tangible and concise and reassuring but really in order to make this tactic work I need to know where I want to be, what I want to do, who I want to be. And quite honestly right now I am drawing a blank. I just don't know. I suspect I have been partaking in too many special smokes lately and that crap that we are fed about dope zapping your ambitions and goals might be true. All I know is that I want to be happy, but how? Who knows what it's going to take for that to happen? I know what doesn't make me happy, but that's not particularly helpful. I think I will try and do the list thing, perhaps if I do a lot of clear-headed thinking I might gain some direction, something that I feel has been eluding me of late.
Another discussion had at around the same time was about family, a subject which is almost always guaranteed to upset me. I get quite jealous of people who have beautifully close families, who have relatives who they also cherish as close friends. The BFF's lady (BFFGF?) was telling her sister how they were now in the unspoken (until that point) process of forming a different type of family bond, one which is happening with the understanding that their parents aren't going to be around forever. It is very adult. In her family there are three sisters, one of whom is married and has a baby, the other who is single but dating and the BFFGF, who obviously has BFF as her significant other. BFFGF was saying that the little group of them will form most of the support that each of the others needs, that it is so important to keep that connection together. Given the already reflective and decidedly melancholy head space that I was in, listening to this conversation just made me even sadder and it wasn't long after that I excused myself and went home to hug my dog. I just really don't have bonds like that within my family, save for my Gran on my dad's side. I don't have any form of connection with my father, I am more like a mother to my mother than my mother is a mother to me** and my half-sisters and brothers are all so much younger than me that there is a fairly clear generational gap which will never really be dissolved. Where does this leave me? My closest friends here have either moved away or are in the process of doing so, I have pretty much failed dismally at maintaining meaningful contact with old friends. I'm not in a relationship and after the headfuck that was my last one, I have no desire to be in another for the foreseeable future. My life pretty much consists of being at home with my pets, going to uni in flashes of haste and bustle, and work.
Work, which I used to derive so much pleasure and pride from but now just makes me angry and want to drink. And break things.
Work, the reason why I have wasted an entire Sunday morning in the office instead of stretched out on my bed reading the papers and drinking coffee in an old boyfriend's t-shirt listening to the spin cycle of the washing machine finishing off my towels.
Coming into the office this morning may not have all been for nothing, however. My e-mail inbox delivered to me a message from a site I subscribed to after my little jaunt to W.A. last year. A Government agency, advertising the very first job suitable to my skills and experience since I have been monitoring it. I can address each one of the selection criteria, it's actually pretty close to what I've dreamed of doing since I started working in law. The salary is a little less than I would have expected, but is certainly more than I'm on now. It's in Perth, where my Gran is. And when I think about those few days I was there last year, just hanging out with my Gran, it's honestly the last time I can remember feeling happy. Not excited happy, adrenaline happy, happy from eating chocolate, but quiet, peaceful happy. Contented happy.
Hello, Universe? Is this you throwing me a bone?
*If you live in my town, that is.
*Now say that three times quickly.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Quit smoking update
Also, it is likely that someone will get hurt. It has only been about 15 hours since I last had a cigarette - IS IT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS BAD?
I had promised to help some friends move house on Saturday but when I got there in the late afternoon it was all I could do to sit on their couch and not break into a cold sweat. I told them I was there to supervise and being the delightful people they are, they were happy with that.
I mowed half of the lawn yesterday and then lost interest so I will have to finish that tonight.
I have also made THE DECISION to give up smoking starting today and thus far I am not feeling very good about it. I had a nicotine patch leftover from my last effort and I have slapped that on my hip this morning where it is currently itching like the bejesus and my mind is racing. Sad, isn't it? It's just gone 9am. Thing is I am (was) a pack a day smoker, have been since I was 17 and this is going to be a massive test for me. I have no willpower and (apparently) an addictive personality and not smoking is just going to hurt badly for a while. But lordy, I hope I can do it. I just want to prove to myself that I am capable of finishing something I start.
Wish me luck.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Get out of town
"Blinded by the light/
wrapped up like a douche/
la la la la la la la la/
Which makes about as much sense as MY version, so either someone needs to tell me what a deuce is, other than the context of tennis, or I will continue to sing my own confusing and wrong rendition and wonder if Manfred Mann was trying to avoid pregnancy or whatever other crazy shit it was they tried to do in the 70's.
Basket weaver
It has today occurred to me that it is likely that people are not smiling because they believe my pigtails are cute and youthful, but rather because they think I'm slightly retarded.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Her bloke thinks we are quite the mentalists, as we animatedly talk about food and cooking for hours without growing bored. We both get (far too) excited about being in the kitchen. It's just a thing. But now I've pretty much run out of recipes in my repertoire which will keep me in the running of our unspoken one-up-ness. I'm looking for ideas.
Over to you. Please.
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